Tuesday, March 3, 2009

We are they??

I have been a girl scout, my girls where girl scout, we are a guranteed sale. I mean will purchase mass quantities of Girl Scout cookies. I will retire to my room and eat a sleeve a thin mints with ease. They haven't been at the Walmart, Target, or come to my door. Please any girl scouts who might be in the Columbus, GA area , come to my home I will make sure you hit the next sales level!!


Angie said...

I found them at Petsmart this past Saturday!! We were on the hunt also! :)

Tara said...

I havent seen them anywhere here either!!

Erin Bigler said...

Haha, Petsmart on Saturdays and saw them at WinnDixie once. Good luck! A whole sleeve of thin mints...love it!

Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

I know seriously...and a saw part of a new blurb that the economy has hit them hard...hello is that because they're waiting at their homes for us to show up? Let me know if you find a GS...I need a thin mint fix :D