Sunday, May 29, 2011


Devin pushing Tara out of the nest..., but Tara left her two baby birds.

Did my own children require this much energy? I have been watching my grandbabies this weekend and I have forgotten how much work little ones can be. Was I younger, more energy, skinnier, and had more energy... yes I said that twice!!! It can be challenging when you have your grandchildren and still one child of your own at home(under the legal age of 18). One minute you have your mom hat on and then you have to change into your grandma hat. Grandma hat is much easier to wear. Basically you say yes to everything. Why? Because it our privilege and it is NOT my job to make sure vegetable are eaten or bedtime obeyed. That is for their parents, but that is where it gets tricky. I have to make sure Parker eats his veggies and goes to bed on time. Oh well its summer and I give up on everyone's bedtime!!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Getting that Diploma!!
My proud graduate

I can hardly believe that my little baby, Devin graduated high school last weekend. She also graduated seminary. Where has the time gone? Devin has never been a "I love school" girl, but I really feel like a blinked between Allison's graduating and now Devin. I can't hardly believe that all my girls have graduated high school. I'm so nervous about Devin being an "adult". It's hard to let my little baby go..........