Friday, September 19, 2008

Random thoughts

I love to look at my daughters blog in the hopes of seeing my little grandbaby or if I am real lucky a picture of my beautiful pregnant Tara. I get very sad to think that I have not been able to share any of her pregnancies with her.... Hopefully someday she will live closer!! Allison passed her PT test so everything should be a ok with her scholarship!!! Thank goodness!! She hasn't been able to buy some books because they are mucho expensive ( 1= $200) and with all her other expeses (tickets) we haven't been able to do it. Devin tried out for One Act at her school. This year they are doing Godspell. She didn't make the cast, but the trooper she is she is working behind the scenes. Yesterday she asked me for an old toilet and garbage. I told don't worry I can get you all the trash you want!! I told her that she will have to clean toilet ..... not really, but I like to see her face react. Parker is struggling at school and I am really at a loss. I ask the teachers for suggestions, but they don't have any so if anybody has an ideal I am open to suggestions. Wow, this post is a real downer :( Maybe I'm a little blue, John has been working out of town all week and I failed my math test. I can't stand to get a bad grade on anything. I still have the need to get good grades and be one of the teachers favorites. I'm so pathetic....


Gary and Shelice Murphy said...

Let me know when your money tree starts growning....we're still waiting for ours to sprout! Sometimes, even when we know we are blessed and generally life is good, it's just a little too much on the burden side...I usually go with Dr ordered chocolate :D Love ya, miss ya...we are soooo far away ;)

Unknown said...

Chin up sister!!!! You have a husband whom ardores you. Your children love you and are close to you (even the one in college). Give yourself a big hug from me. Get on the bright side. Someone has it far worse off than you. And since you asked for help with Parker, it will come. I love you, your sister Mary