Friday, February 22, 2008

boys and their toys aka men...

John has been traveling now for his job and I "mentioned" to him that it would be probably a good idea for him to get an ear piece for his phone for safety. Well he got home last night and apparently he made sure he got to the phone store before coming home to get one. Now if if I mention about cleaning the garage or finally finishing some painting projects he becomes deaf. It is amazing to me how excited they get"men" about these electronic toys oops I mean vital tools in which to perform his work and provide a safe driving environment on the road. I could tell he is feeling guilty about the $90.00 he spent on this vital tool because he called me at work to let me know that he feels that it is vital that I have one too! No thanks. I don't like to be on the phone and I hate things on my ears. Well I should be grateful that he is not techno savvy!!! All though I did see him eyeing the HD TV's at Sams.........

1 comment:

zhsy00001 said...

It isn't the hands free bit, it is the distraction of the conversation.