Friday, May 16, 2008

Balloon Walk

Yesterday was the last balloon walk for Parker's school. A balloon walk is when you have read at least 200 books and the whole school lines the hallways and cheers and you parade down them with balloon in your hand! The principal leads the whole procession and it is great fun!!! Well Parker's teacher sent home 15 books on tuesday and told us if we read them all that night we could go one the balloon walk. I was soo excited because I basically had given any hope of going on the balloon walk and had hoped Parker had forgotten about it too. Well this was our secound chance and we read all those books that night and Parker turned them into his teacher with a smile as he proudly told her that we had read all them plus a couple more. The balloon walk was AWESOME!! The kids that lined the halls were pumped up and it was great!! I got to hold Parkers hand while he strolled the halls. He was so happy and I was so happy for him. I even got a little misty!! It has excited for another year so we can start reading to go again!!

1 comment:

Holly Lind said...

YAY PARKER!! Mya is sitting here with me, and she loves the pictures with the balloons! Keep up the good work!