Friday, May 30, 2008

Cheap Family Fun

As you can see the ducks are on thier way....

At first devin thought this was so dumb, but she enjoyed it despite herself.

The original "two" decoy ducks... aren't the babies soooo cute!!

What do you do for fun, when time is short and so is money??? Feed the ducks at Cooper Creek Park. I looked in my bread basket and I had quite the assortment of molding speciems of bread items. My mom was down for a visit so I deceided to pack up the kids and my mom and head out to the park. We got there and there were about two ducks in sight. I thought well these are some very lucky duckies!! We had two packs of stale hamburger buns, sandwich rolls, and half a loaf of bread that was doubling as croutons! As we began to tear off the bread to give to these two lucky ducks...... we looked out and we could not believe our eyes it seemed that every duck, goose, swan, piegon, and every other feather friend came out of the wood work for these tasty delights. I actually saw one swimming towards me, but got so excited it started to fly towards me. I was getting my keys ready to get into the van quickly. Most of our fowl friends were very happy and well behaved, but there were a couple that really could use some lessons in manners. After our feeding frenzy we headed out to Countrys BBQ were my mom could eat southern BBQ and have Allison serve us our food. It was very good as usual and we had a great time. John even managed to meet us at Countrys for some vittels.

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